Evening Glory

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Evening Glory
Race Deity
Gender Female
Status Alive
Alignment Unaligned

Evening Glory, also called the Deathless Beauty and the eternal lover, is an unaligned deity of love through undeath. Her desires spread to that which is love eternal, regardless of creed, nationality, and vital signs. She proclaims that love is all that matters in life, above other things, and that it must be preserved through perfection of undeath. Her Portfolios are Love, Beauty, and immortality through undeath, and her domains are Charm, Magic, and Protection.

Origins- Considered originally a deity of knowledge, her death came from the lack of followers to near none. In an attempt to curry favor with her, Pelor offered her to be a lower ranked outsider under his guiding wing. Her independent streak however caused her to feel offended by the proposal, instead seeking her renewal in the realm of undeath. Pelor, in turn, spurned her and at the same time desired her to keep her in line. Through seeking the realm of undeath, she found one thing lacking: Love. Through that revelation, she sought out disciples and worked to her current status.

Her largest temple is the Temple of the Warm Embrace.

Channel Divinity

Followers of Evening Glory can take the Evening Glory's Shivering Embrace power:
Encounter * Divine, Channel Divinity
Immediate Interrupt
Channel Divinity: You can use only one channel divinity power per encounter
Trigger: You would take Cold or Necrotic damage
Effect: You gain Resist 5 to that damage type until the start of your next turn.
Increase to Resist 10 at 11th level, and Resist 15 at 21st.
Special: You must take the Evening Glory's Shivering Embrace feat to use this power.

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